Евразия 2009

Елена Вопросова: Вот разместили на сайте РКФ «ЕВРАЗИЯ-1»- 2009 28 февраля 2009 года MONIQUE VAN BREMPT (Бельгия) Йоркширский терьер «ЕВРАЗИЯ-2»- 2009 1 марта 2009 года ANNA MESTO (Испания) Йоркширский терьер

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Ольгаекб: Анна Евгеньевна, от всей души поздравляю Вас с победами прекрасных Смоки и Жу-Жу !!!!! Congratulations for WILD FANTASY HOCUS POCUS, ERIC BERNARD, NANTA TANSACHA, SOLTYSOVA ALICЕ!!!!! Отдельные поздравления победителям и участникам этого праздника!!! Всем фотографам огромное спасибо за отличный репортаж!!!

Маня: WILD FANTASY HOCUS POCUS Всем победителям и участникам УРА!!! Вы сделали этот ПРАЗДНИК!!!

ПандаШарм: Поздравляю всех участников победителей и призёров!!!! WILD FANTASY HOCUS POCUS Поздравляю заводчицу Алису Солтосову!!!Хэндлера ERIC BERNARD!!!И владелецу NANTA TANSACHA,!!!!Очень понравилась Жу-Жу Поздравляю Анна Евгеньевна !!!!

Yelena: minishop пишет: А разве кому-то важно их мнение? ну да, ну да... другие читатели сказали примерно тоже самое, но чуть в другой форме: There is always going to be someone that will talk bad about any dog because we all have our own preferences in taste and of course the politics in this endeavor. I saw the dog in person and from what I could see just simply stunning! Of course I haven't had my hands on the dog so I couldn't tell you what is under the coat because the coat was absolutely beautiful! And of course jealousy plays an even bigger role in this sport LOL...but when I see something I like I will give the dog the compliment it deserves well at least from my point of view We all aren't going to have the same taste in yorkies LOL... Don't get frustrated because it's only one person's interposition of the dog. всегда будет кто то, кто захочет говорить плохо о любой собаке, по соображениям "личных приоритетов" на их вкус...(ну и дальше по тексту...) про зависть и так далее... и снова же комплименты Хонзе!!!!! и рекомендации от ведущих заводчиков Америки не обращать внимание на "нападки"!

Silk: Поздравляю Победителей!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheese: minishop пишет: У нас есть видео двух дней выставки (ПОЛНЫЙ РЕПОРТАЖ!!!) , включая БЭСТ ИН ШОУ!

Yelena: Вот ещё одно подтревждение того, что судейство было справедливым! Даже собаки президента не стали BIS, а победил сильнейший! http://www.newstube.ru/#/video/3BAEDA86-5404-4B6C-A974-373FDBECAC31/

Light: Я недавно стала поклонницей этой породы, но не думала, что возможно испытывать ТАКОЙ восторг просто от созерцания Глядя на самых-самых собак, понимаешь, к чему стремятся настоящие заводчики!!!! От всей души поздравляем победителей!!!

minishop: ... good news travels fast What a SUPER FANTASTIC WEEKEND! + 12.000 Dog-entries in two day show at EURASIA - MOSCOW! The Yorkshire Terrier News ... read all about it ... A competition of 134 Yorkshire Terriers entered. It all started on the Saturday ... HONZA doing great by ... Winning the Breed and The Title of RUSSIAN CHAMPION under Mrs. Monique Van Brempt, F.C.I.- Allbreed Judge, Belgium! Later Honza was awarded a third place in the GROUP under Alberto Velasco Sanchez, from Spain. The ABSOLUTE HIGHLIGHT to come in the lives of NANTA & ERIC! (and of all of us to share in the JOY), came on the second day, Sunday. HONZA again winning BEST of BREED under Top Breed Specialist Judge: Ana Mesto - Breeder of the "de la Villa y Corte"- Yorksh.Terr., Spain The great recognition for Multi Ch. "WILD FANTASY HOCUS POCUS -"HONZA", son of WorldChampion "WHIRLWINDS HIGH HOPES -"FRITZ", that came from the two Breed-Judges: Monique Van Brempt & Ana Mesto, became so FABULOUSLY CONFIRMED, so SPONTANEOUSLY, so IMMENSE APPROVED by the GROUP-JUDGE: CATHY DELMAR from Ireland. "the wildest fantasy & beyond the wildest dreams" and then ... THE DREAM CAME TRUE, by the MAN of WHOM NOBODY CAN DENY, that he is a CONNOISSEUR of DOGS through and through, ... A MAN who is a LIFELONG BREEDER of THE GREATEST CHAMPIONS. A MAN who KNOWS the DIFFERENCE, who sees and feels the difference about dogs and who PRACTICE THAT DIFFERENCE! Winning a BEST in SHOW under OLE STUANSKJAER, the ABSOLUTE TOP ALL-ROUND JUDGE of WORLD-CLASS, EXPERIENCE & FAME ... nobody can deny that ..., YES! ... HOCUS POCUS PATS! HONZA WAS THE BEST! ALL SO PROUD on New Russian Champion BEST in SHOW EURASIA WINNER 2009 American, Multi Champion "WILD FANTASY HOCUS POCUS" - HONZA. Bred from Champions producing Champions (ex. World Ch. Whirlwinds High Hopes -”Fritz” x Ch. Shooting Star du Guй de l’Adour) Owner: Nanta Tansacha, Thailand, Breeder: Alice Soltysova, Czech Rep- Handling: Eric Bernard, France A success beyond all frontiers, unique in the history of the breed, higher than "the SKYE is the LIMIT". A success of such a international dimension as never seen before! A unique result by unique people who write the stories of their lives, by showing their PASSIONS, through the love for DOGS and YORKSHIRE TERRIER CRAZY as we are ALL. This happening will shine around the world (it's going everywhere already), and already has an unseen response with congratulations to the CREDIT of the Yorkshire Terrier Breed, of ALL WHO SO KINDLY -, and Strongly GAVE FULL SUPPORT from their HEARTS, to Nanta, Eric with the HONZA-TEAM and to ALL of US! "no success is gained solely, it is gained through the efforts of many who lend their support, and it is SHARED by ALL". A loving "ThankYou" to Alice Soltysova, Czech Rep., the breeder of Honza, for trusting us to have this wonderful dog. Special "ThankYou to Anna Babaeva - Mini Shop Yorkshire Terriers", for the wonderful hospitality and encouragement she gave us to enter at the Moscow-Eurasia! ThankYou for the beautiful photos, the work of the photographers: Carlos Salas, Alexey Kalashnikov, Alexey Lihachev, Lena Pervenceva, and Oleg Bochkov of HOTdog Magazine. ThankYou to All in Russia, we had a most wonderful time in your beautiful city, Moscow. ThankYou to All for the many congratulations we received from worldwide. To ALL the JUDGES who contributed by awarding Honza, we will cherish you in our hearts, forever. Many loving kisses and what more can we say ... The YORKSHIRE TERRIER is a DIAMOND among all breeds and he will SHINE FOREVER! Nanta, Eric & Alice

minishop: Незабываемый праздник на " ЕВРАЗИИ 2009"! LOVE YOUR YORKSHIRE TERRIER FORUM! It's great to see so many nice photos of the Lovely Russian Yorkshire Terriers the handlers and the crowd of people. The breed attracts so many interest. - It's alive and I'm happy to see that enthusiasm! The Yorkshire Terrier Breed is guaranteed to have a bright future in your country! It is not enough to have quality dogs, you also need quality in people's behavior. Do work in good understanding with respect for eachothers dogs- and the work. That is how you get results and that is what the Yorkshire Terrier Breed deserves! Keep-up the good work. Ronny

Фомина Ольга: Как же хорошо..... по-семейному

Куколка: Поздравляю победителей и участников этого праздника!!! Большое спасибо за фото репортаж!!!

Yelena: minishop пишет: A success beyond all frontiers, unique in the history of the breed, higher than "the SKYE is the LIMIT". A success of such a international dimension as never seen before! A unique result by unique people who write the stories of their lives, by showing their PASSIONS, through the love for DOGS and YORKSHIRE TERRIER CRAZY as we are ALL. This happening will shine around the world (it's going everywhere already), and already has an unseen response with congratulations to the CREDIT of the Yorkshire Terrier Breed, of ALL WHO SO KINDLY -, and Strongly GAVE FULL SUPPORT from their HEARTS, to Nanta, Eric with the HONZA-TEAM and to ALL of US! "no success is gained solely, it is achieved by many who lend their support, and it is SHARED by ALL". A loving "ThankYou" to Alice Soltysova, Czech Rep., the breeder of Honza, for trusting us to have this wonderful dog. Special "ThankYou to Anna Babaeva - Mini Shop Yorkshire Terriers", for the wonderful hospitality and encouragement she gave us to enter at the Moscow-Eurasia! и снова "мурашки по телу" от таких невероятных побед!!!! a слова благодарности!!! чесслово! просто слёзы на глазах сами наворачиваются!!!!!!! minishop!!! Вы сделали ПОТРЯСАЮЩИЙ хостинг для "команды Хонза"!!! Просто выше всяких похвал!!!!

Маргарита: Вне ринга (так как ринговых фотографий уже очень много ) Извеняюсь за качество фотографий....

Марина К: ПОЗДРАВЛЯЮ ПОБЕДИТЕЛЕЙ И ПРИЗЁРОВ !!! Очень понравилась Жужу, от её движений я просто в восторге из нормальных фото к сожалению получилась только эксперт (в первый день), потом сломалась вспышка, рабочий момент :

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